Border Exemptions for Refits, Repairs and Refurbishments


We are frequently asked about exemptions to the general prohibition on bringing foreign vessels into New Zealand.

Whilst there are limited reasons accepted by the Ministry of Health, Maritime New Zealand and Immigration New Zealand, allowing vessels to enter New Zealand, the route most likely to be approved appears to be for refit, refurbishment and repair.  This exemption allows foreign vessels to enter New Zealand to allow pre-booked work to be undertaken by New Zealand yards.

To seek an exemption a ‘compelling need’ has to be demonstrated.  Whilst there is no definition of what amounts to a compelling need, it is suggested by New Zealand Marine that it will require substantial work, costing not less than $50,000.

As mentioned in previous posts, the Department of Health has a website dealing with the maritime border which includes the forms required to seek an exemption.  

New Zealand Marine has also created a detailed pack for its members setting out the process for its members to seek a border exemption for a vessel and for seeking a border exemption for replacement crew to assist who will arrive by air.

For further information, contact Peter Dawson by email, or by phone +64 27 229 9624.